My Books

“Reflections on Heaven and Hell”












“Reflections on Providence”
reflections cover
These two little books contain reflections on Emanuel Swedenborg’s works. (Swedenborg 1688-1772).
Each chapter in them, takes a thought or theme from a chapter in Swedenborg’s original book, and reflects on it. The first is his best known work, “Heaven and Hell” originally published in 1758. The second is “Divine Providence” published in 1764. Available from Fountain Publishing.




Two more recent books were published by the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum. In these I provided the text and most of the photographs.
“Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona” 2011












“Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona” 2012












Here is an article about Mountain Trees of Southern Arizona.

10 replies on “My Books”

  1. Julie says:

    I was able to access your wonderful blog via the Sabino Canyon Volunteer Patrol website.
    Would you or could you add my email address to your blog. If not, how do I access it.
    Thank you for making my day a good one!

    • Frank says:

      Thanks for your question, Julie. In the upper right corner you will see the words: Subscribe here. Under that is a place for your e-mail address. After you have entered that hit the button marked “submit”. all the best. Frank

  2. Joan Langlois says:

    Good day,
    I was wondering are you going to have a wildflower talk on Mt. Lemmon at the ranger station?
    Some ladies at my gym mention it, but they had no details.
    Please let me know it sounded very interesting.

    • Frank Rose says:

      Hi Joan: /Right now I do not have any talks scheduled. I may be giving one at Sunrise Chapel in Tucson, but no date as yet. Thanks for asking – Frank

  3. Leslie Eguchi says:

    Hello Frank
    I have recently started exploring the wildflowers of the Catalina Mountains and find your book Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona indispensable. I read that you published a subsequent book with additional flower identification. How can I get a copy of that book?
    Thank you

    • Frank Rose says:

      Hi Leslie – This week I am going to have the new book: “More wildflowers…” available at the Living Rainbow store in Summerhaven. Thanks for your interest

  4. Nancy Braun says:

    You have published a book – Catalina Moutains: A Guide Book with Original Paintings. My husband bought me a copy at the Sabino Canyon Visitor Center, but they are out of it and I don’t see it listed here.
    I want to send a copy to some friends in Colorado who spend winters in Tucson (he is a bird/wildlife artist, she a hiker). How can I get a copy? Haven’t checked Barnes & Noble yet

    • Frank Rose says:

      Sorry for the late reply – the book is available at Sabino Canyon visitor’s center, Palisades Ranger Station and from

  5. Frank: I came to Arizona so that, when I died my wife would be near her sister. Between God and Arizona, I am now healthier at 68 than I was at 64! As payback to both, I have been working on beautifying Sunsites, a small village near Pearce. I drive a red, white, and blue golf Cart with a wooden cross riveted to the windshield and pick up trash- and clean up the streets- and especially kill ‘goatheads’ (puncture vine, orange and small caltrops, thanks to your book Mountian Wildflowers of Southern AZ).
    Because of this and my wife’s asthma, I endeavored to index the wildflowers that grow specifically in Sunsites and correlate the time of year each blooms. that has resulted in an index by the month with the wildflowers listed by page number and also a list by month of all the ‘bloomers’ alphabetically. I intend to expand this by researching all of the existing plants people have imported and include them as well.
    My work in restoring this NOSC (Naturally Occcuring Senior Community) is self-funded and all volunteer.
    I would like to make this guide available to the people of Sunsites, but do NOT want to infringe on your rights as the author. Is there a way I can make this available without abusing your rights? On the manuscript cover I have cited your book, and the index is intended to be published without pictures or descriptions of the flowers, which will naturally drive them to your work- in which I stand in awe!
    Please let me know. I am very concerned that all of your rights be protected.

    • Frank Rose says:

      Thanks for your note. From my point of view you can feel free to use the book any way you like. However, the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum has the rights to the book, so it might be good to talk with them. Keep up the good work. Frank

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