There was heavy wind in the forecast today in southern Arizona so Ed encouraged me to bring a jacket. How right he was. We walked up Turkey Run, having rejected the idea of Oracle Ridge where the wind would have blown us off the mountain. Even in the deep woods it was very windy and there was a fall chill in the air. We did not see many wildflowers, about half as many as last week (14 compared to 37). We did see this beautiful Richardson’s geranium with two blooms on a single plant one white and the other deep pink. In this species the color can be blue, white or pink.

It turned out that the big attraction on this walk was not to be wildflowers but fall colors and clouds.








We arrived at our snack point. I sat on a log. Ed moved up the slope to look at a stand of trees including some Big Tooth Maple in full color. He stood there for the longest time, mesmerized by the view.

Frank on log

Eventually I joined him and saw what had held him spellbound. We stood there, looking up the hill with a stand of trees, many in their fall colors. Above the trees wonderful formations of clouds were moving swiftly up and over our heads. It felt as if the clouds were holding still and the world had suddenly accelerated its rotation.






This picture gives you some idea of the view of the trees and one of the many cloud forms racing above them.
Fall scene

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