My new blog

At my retirement party, ten years ago, I was given a set of luggage and a digital camera. My wife and I soon put the luggage to work, traveling to England, and a few years later to California, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Australia and New Zealand. The camera launched me into a career as nature photographer, resulting in two nature books, and hours of bliss hiking around Arizona. In this blog I plan to share some of my nature experiences (and pictures), as well as paintings, stories, and whatever else comes into my head. My dad, Donald Frank Rose (1890-1963), wrote a daily column published in the Philadelphia newspapers called “Stuff and Nonsense.” This blog is sort of a stuff and nonsense project – the stuff being mostly things I am learning as I continue to explore the wonderful world of nature, and the nonsense being little human interest accounts from my present and past experiences. Thanks for joining me.


4 replies on “My new blog”

  1. Sylvia Cooper says:

    I look forward to this. I have been rereading Dad’s books, so I am in the mood.

    Sister Syl

  2. Kathy Neff says:

    What a treat meeting you and your wife on Aspen Loop trail yesterday. The raindrops were magical on the plants. Our group looks forward to your blog posts about minute flowers and what they tell you! 🙂

    • Frank says:

      Hi Kathy:

      Thanks for your kind words. I have posted something about fungus and a centipede. The plant close ups will soon follow.
      all the best

  3. Fred Wetjen says:

    Hi Frank,
    fantastic, great idea this ‘Blog’.
    Your book ‘MOUNTAIN WILDFLOWERS OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA’ is excellent, superbly, well done.

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